Since 1979, Raedeke (RAD-ĭ-kee) Associates, Inc. has provided a variety of scientific services that respond to environmental issues driven by a combination of rapid growth and changing regulatory practices.
Our qualified staff of scientists, designers, and technicians provide unbiased natural resource evaluations that meet the myriad requirements of federal, state, and local agencies. Our field studies and data analyses provide an objective, scientific approach that is presented in an accessible and understandable format.
Raedeke Associates, Inc. is a certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE) as well as a certified King County Small Contractor and Supplier (SCS).

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Pictured here, biologist Samantha Pohlman conducts a habitat assessment in search for marbled murrelet platforms. A critical component in forests and a determining factor for potential use by murrelets is whether a particular tree stand contains large, old trees with nesting platforms. Murrelet nesting platforms can include wide branches, dwarf mistletoe infections, tree trunk bends, and mossy platforms. Surveyors must determine if a stand contains enough nesting platforms that murrelets would use the stand. Meeting certain platform per acre thresholds can lead to additional required murrelet surveys before subsequent forest management activities can proceed.
#raedeke #raedekeassociates #environment #environmentalscience #biology #wildlife #wildlifebiology #wildlifeecology #wildlifemanagement #consulting #consultingbiologist #conservation #birds #marbledmurrelet #ESA

Ever wondered the function of the brightly colored fencing around construction sites? Or the straw left all over the ground? Those might be BMPs in action! Best Management Practices, or BMPs, are used to help prevent construction-impacted water from exiting a job site. Once water has come into contact with the sediments or contaminants found on some construction sites, it must be captured and/or treated before it can be discharged to local waterways.
In the first picture above, straw wattles and straw ground covering are helping to prevent sediment from running into an adjacent stream. In the second picture, a bright orange silt fence is installed along the project boundaries to act as a shield that prevents water from leaving the job site. Raedeke Associates, Inc.’s highly skilled construction management team helps keep natural resources a priority for construction projects by ensuring sustainable construction practices. Among our many construction management services, some include: daily BMP inspection services, critical areas assessments, and permitting assistance.
#cleanwater #constructionmanagement #buildgreen #stormwatermanagement #constructionbmp #bmps #raedeke #raedekeassociates #environment #environmentalscience

Thanks to everyone who visited us at the UW Environmental Career Fair yesterday! And thank you to @uofwa for hosting a great event. We met a lot of amazing people who have been working on some very exciting projects in the environmental sciences. Please keep an eye on the careers page of our website for new opportunities with Raedeke Associates, Inc. We are always looking for motivated new talent to join our organization.
#wearehiring #hiring #raedeke #raedekeassociates #environment #environmentalscience #sustainability #ecology #consulting #jobfair #careerfair #opportunities #UW #UniversityofWashington

Pictured here, Raedeke Associates, Inc. Wetland Scientist Kolten Kosters (PWS) delineates the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of a stream. The OHWM can be a critical feature for projects, as it determines the beginning point from which buffers and setbacks are measured. It is important to ensure the OHWM is delineated according to the best available science to accurately determine where project sites may be encumbered by critical areas protections.
#raedeke #raedekeassociates #environment #environmentalscience #water #wetlands #wetland #wetlanddelineation #streamscience #streams #hydrology #criticalareas #regulations #environmentalregulations #WOTUS #watersoftheus #watersoftheunitedstates