Landscape Architecture
Our landscape architecture services work together with our wetland services for successful wetland and stream restoration and mitigation design. Our emphasis is on native plant selection for enhanced survival and habitat development, as well as a visually pleasing landscape.
Additionally, our landscape services are increasingly oriented around Low Impact Development design (LID), also known as Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI), for both residential and commercial design. This work supports rain garden and pervious surface design as part of our individual projects when needed. Our professional landscape architect is state certified and trained in wetland science and LID design.
Landscape Architecture Services
Commercial and Mixed Use
Construction Oversight
Corporate Campuses
Interpretative Signage
Low-Impact Development
Master Planned Communities
Native Plant Design
Playground and Park Design
Rain Gardens
Residential Landscapes
Riparian Restoration/ Mitigation
Streetscape Design
Wetland Restoration/ Mitigation