Tehaleh Employment-Based Planned Community
Pierce County, WA
Raedeke Associates, Inc. conducted extensive investigations of wetlands and plants and animals that became technical appendices for a SEPA EIS on a proposed Employment Based Planned Community (EBPC) on 4,700 acres in Pierce County, Washington, near the town of Orting. We participated in all phases of the EIS process, including preparation of technical appendices, response to public and agency comments, and expert testimony at public hearings. Wetland studies included hydrologic monitoring of selected wetlands to establish baseline data and assess potential impacts. Wildlife studies included point-count surveys of breeding birds, scent-station surveys of mammals, systematic searches for reptiles and amphibians, and investigation of a great blue heron rookery on site to develop management recommendations in coordination with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists. Additional studies included wetland delineation updates and surveys for priority species for additional Forest Practices permits and for on-site and off-site road and utility improvements. Recent efforts have included updating previous wetland and plant and animal studies as part of Addendum and Supplemental EIS documents for amendments to overall development plans.
Date Completed
2012 - 2021
Pierce County, WA
Wetland Verifications, Reviews, and Analysis
Wetland Hydrologic Analysis
Wildlife Habitat Study
Buffer Averaging Reviews
Stormwater Update
Expert Testimony
Wetland Verifications, Reviews, and Analysis
Wetland Hydrologic Analysis
Wildlife Habitat Study
Buffer Averaging Reviews
Stormwater Update
Expert Testimony