Richard W. Lundquist, M.S.
President Emeritus / Wildlife Biologist
Rick has over 35 years of project management and field and research experience in plant and animal community analysis, including quantitative vegetation composition and structural analysis, vertebrate inventories, evaluation of habitat functions and values and ecological impact assessment for SEPA and NEPA documents. Rick also has extensive experience in wetland delineation, function and value assessment, hydrologic analysis, impact assessment, and mitigation design, implementation, and monitoring.
Rick has extensive research expertise in forest bird communities and habitat management issues. He has been an invited speaker at regional and national conferences on wildlife and habitat management; has been an instructor for USDA Forest Service Neotropical Migrating Bird Monitoring Program Training Sessions teaching bird identification and point-count protocol; and has authored or co-authored several scientific publications.
Recently retired from day-to-day operations, Rick provides support on selected projects.
Rick has extensive research expertise in forest bird communities and habitat management issues. He has been an invited speaker at regional and national conferences on wildlife and habitat management; has been an instructor for USDA Forest Service Neotropical Migrating Bird Monitoring Program Training Sessions teaching bird identification and point-count protocol; and has authored or co-authored several scientific publications.
Recently retired from day-to-day operations, Rick provides support on selected projects.
B.S., 1980, Wildlife Management, Humboldt State University
M.S., 1988 Wildlife Science/Forest Management, University of Washington
Graduate Research: Habitat use by cavity-nesting birds in the Southern Washington Cascades
M.S., 1988 Wildlife Science/Forest Management, University of Washington
Graduate Research: Habitat use by cavity-nesting birds in the Southern Washington Cascades
Professional Certifications & Affiliations
Certified Wildlife Biologist and Certified Wetland Specialist, Pierce County, Washington
Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, WDOE Training
Trained in use of Regional Supplement to Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual
Completed USFWS Training in Mazama Pocket Gopher Survey Protocols
Washington State Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, WDOE Training
Trained in use of Regional Supplement to Corps of Engineers wetland delineation manual
Completed USFWS Training in Mazama Pocket Gopher Survey Protocols