Project Permitting
Wetlands, streams, and wildlife habitat are regulated by a variety of federal, state, and local agencies. Raedeke Associates, Inc. regularly works with clients and agency staff to prepare the necessary permit applications and supporting critical areas documents for projects affecting wetlands, streams, and wildlife.
In Washington State, multiple federal and state regulatory agencies joined forces to create the Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) to be a single application form that can used to apply for more than one permit at a time. Local jurisdictions typically require project applicants to use permit application forms specifically tailored to the jurisdiction’s needs.
Project Permitting Services
Federal Clean Water Act Section 404/401 Permit
Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Forest Practice Permit critical areas studies and ESA listed species protocol surveys
Habitat Assessments
Habitat Management Plans
Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA)
Local Jurisdiction Critical Areas Permit
Section 7 consultation supporting documents
SEPA Checklist
Shoreline Substantial Development Permit