Wildlife Biology
Raedeke Associates, Inc. has prepared wildlife management plans and conducted wildlife surveys for a variety of landowners and regulatory agencies. We are familiar with the current trends involving listed/protected species, and our ongoing wildlife projects include species such as spotted owls and marbled murrelets.
Raedeke has been involved in long-term monitoring of Spotted owl populations across the pacific northwest for over 30 years. We have prepared Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) and Landowner Option Plans (LOPs) with regard to northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet and other wildlife issues and how they affect the timber industry and private landowners. Our in-depth understanding of regulations is critical to the success of each project, and we have a solid relationship with federal, state, and tribal agencies.
We have prepared habitat management plans for bald eagle nests and great blue heron nesting colonies. These plans have been prepared for the U.S. Forest Service, major timber companies, and private landowners, and have included field inventories of habitat conditions, assessment of forest management options, and negotiation of final plans with state agencies. One of our plans was the first Private Land Wildlife Management Area (PLWMA) plan to be approved in Washington state. This PLWMA plan allowed deer and elk management on private forest land to provide an economic return to the landowner.